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Saturday, September 19, 2009

Analyze & Reorganize Folders with Folderscope for Windows 7

Analyze Folders

So you have got an old hard disk which you want to format and you don’t know what and where all important documents and files are saved or you are running out of space and want to delete unwanted files to get back some space but don’t know which files or folder to delete.

Folderscope is answer to all of above questions. Folderscope is free utility for analyzing and reorganizing folders of any size. Folderscope presents a flat sortable list of all the files contained within a folder (including the files in any of its subfolders).

Files and subfolders can then be browsed and marked in a variety of ways. Marked files can be copied, moved or deleted all-at-once. All changes are added to a scrollable Pending Changes list for inspection before being committed.

Folderscope Utility to Analyze and Reorganize Folders


Download Folderscope.

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