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Thursday, October 29, 2009

VMware Workstation 7.0.0 Build 203739 Final (x86/x64)

Tradução automática:

VMware Workstation 7.0 - O programa é projetado para estações de trabalho, permite que um computador para emular um ambiente de trabalho independente do sistema operacional e trabalhar com ele como com o sistema convencional. Usando esse método você pode instalar diferentes sistemas operacionais e aplicativos para eles, vá em linha e se envolver em tarefas diárias, mas com velocidades um pouco mais lento. A vantagem deste método é a possibilidade de teste de software em diversos sistemas operacionais diferentes, sem causar danos ao sistema atual, instalado no meu computador principal, bem como algumas soluções de hardware de teste. Ele pode tornar a vida mais fácil para desenvolvedores significativamente aplicações multi-plataformas e amantes de trabalhar com o novo sistema operacional.

Suporte para impressão transparente, sem instalação de drivers (usado ThinPrint tecnologia).

Melhorias no suporte 3D. OpenGL 2.1 e Shader Model 3.0 são suportados em máquinas virtuais, o Windows XP, Vista e Windows 7. (Indirectamente, isto deve significar um apoio para o Aero do Windows Vista - ca. From notícia do autor).

Suporte para os drivers do modelo novo Windows Display Driver Model for Windows 7 - Não é só aceleração 2D e apoiar apenas um monitor, o motorista utiliza 32MB de RAM. Se você deseja executar aplicativos 3D no Windows 7, você deve configurá-lo para usar o driver antigo SVGAII da VMWare.

VSphere Apoio 4,0 e apoio ESX. Os profissionais podem agora executar essas tecnologias como os sistemas operacionais convidados para verificar como eles são adequados à sua organização. ESX é actualmente suportado apenas em processadores que a aceleração de suporte de hardware para virtualização (todos os Core 2 Inter e superior, AMD Athlon 64 X2 AM2/Phenom e acima).
Multiprocessadores expandido para sistemas de quatro processadores SMP, que lhe permite utilizar todas as capacidades do seu equipamento. VMWare permite que você atribuir para o sistema convidado com quatro processadores de núcleo virtual único ou dois dual-core ou um quad.

Entre os novos recursos VMware Workstation 7:
Escolha como convidado sistema operacional da máquina virtual, VMware vSphere 4.
Suporte para o Windows 7 como convidado e anfitrião OS
WDDM driver para o sistema operativo convidado do Windows 7
OpenGL e Shader Model 3.0 para sistemas operativos de convidado do Windows XP e Windows Vista
Dynamic Download VMware Tools
Multi-core e quatro processadores de máquinas virtuais (4 vCPU)
Capacidade de imprimir de uma máquina virtual sem instalar os controladores em detrimento das ThinPrint
Criando instantâneos em intervalos determinados (AutoProtect)
Proteger as máquinas virtuais encriptação 128-bit
Apoio à biblioteca ALSA para o sistema operativo de convidado do Linux, que irá reproduzir música a partir de várias máquinas virtuais simultaneamente
Melhoria Linux Virtual Network Editor

As principais alterações nesta configuração:
Suporte para clientes AERO Vista / Seven
Recomenda-se placa de vídeo não é pior do que a GF8600 / HD2600

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Resetter Epson TX200 – Adjustment Program Epson TX200

Need Software Resetter Epson TX200 or TX209 series or adjustment program Epson TX200 or TX209? Download this software. The sotware prepared by SeRKaN. SeRKaN have created a loader for the Software Resetter Epson TX200 or TX209 series (adjustment program Epson TX200 or TX209 series) to run the software in any computer without requiring ASI file.

This software having gacility to Reset Waste Pad Counter for Epson TX200 and TX209 series. Caution, to run the program, DO NOT click directly adjprog.exe, click to Loader.exe. Otherwise program doesn’t work. This software can be used without change or change date setting.

Here screenshot of software Resetter Epson TX200 or Adjustment Program Epson TX200

adjustment epson tx200 adjustment epson tx200 menu adjustment program epson tx200 waste ink counter reset

Caution: use this software as yor own risk.

Download the software Resetter Epson TX200 or Adjustment Program Epson TX200, click this link:

alternate download link in mediafire:

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

DVD Catalyst 3 3.83.1

DVD Catalyst 3 is the most feature-rich all-in-one application for converting DVD and Video content to almost any portable video player device. Take your favorite movies and TV shows with you, without having to purchase them again through an online store. DVD Catalyst 3 converts Movie DVDs, TV episode DVDs and almost any video file (AVI, DIVX, XVID, MPEG, MKV etc) to a format that can be played on your iPod, iPhone, PocketPC, HandheldPC, Laptop, XBOX, PS3 and more. Unlike similar products, there is no need to install additional software. DVD Catalyst 3 works on Windows 2000,XP,2003 and Vista, and includes all that is needed to work. No compatibility issues or the need to install additional codecs. It includes support for all devices, so there is no need to puchase additional products for a different device.


• Unique 1-click interface
• Converts all DVDs and all common video files to a format that can be played on virtually any portable device, including new codec standards and releases as well as DIVX, XVID, AVI, MPEG, MPEG4, TiVo, DVR-MS (SD), TS, FLV, ISO, MDF
• Does not need any additional software for accessing protected DVDs
• Converts to all common video file formats, including AVC, H264, MP4, DIVX, XVID, WMV, 3GP, MPEG
• Complete freedom on quality settings and target size
• Multi-Device queue
• Automatic batching
• Multiple DVD drives, video files, video folders are all automatically queued up for conversion
• Automatic (0 Click) conversion
• Automatic black bar (letterbox) removal

Size : 24.3 MB

Download :



Monday, October 19, 2009

Disable Windows Keyboard Shortcut For Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename

How to disable keyboard shortcuts and right click for copy, paste, delete, rename and more in Windows. Download and try Prevent 1.0, its a simple tool designed to prevent anyone from messing around with your data. Features:

Disable Windows Keyboard Shortcut For Cut, Copy, Paste, Delete, Rename

  • Stops Cut
  • Stops Paste
  • Stops Copy
  • Stops Delete
  • Stops Copy To
  • Stops Move to
  • Stops Send To
  • Prevents renaming
  • Disable keybpard shortcuts Ctrl+C, Ctrl+X and Ctrl+V

Useful for those with one computer for the entire family and want to prevent any possible damages to the operating system.

Nero 9




Nero 9 é a próxima geração do mundo o mais confiável integrado de mídia digital e entretenimento doméstico software suite. Ela apresenta novas funcionalidades de ponta que faz desfrutando conteúdo de mídia digital simples. Esta relação easy-to-use contudo poderosa suíte multimídia, dá-lhe a liberdade para criar, rasgar copiar, gravar, editar, partilhar e fazer upload on-line. Tudo o que você quiser uma música "€, vídeo, fotografia, e dados â €" desfrutar e partilhar com a família e amigos a qualquer hora, em qualquer lugar.

Rapidez e facilidade rasgo, queimadura, Autobackup, cópia e funções

- Backup arquivos para CDs, DVDs e Blu-ray Discs *
- Crie profissional-olhando filmes em DVD com menus integrados em 3D
- Copiar, gravar, partilhar, fazer upload, e criar mixagens música como um DJ
- Converter música, fotos e DVDs para jogar em seu iPod ® e outros móveis
- Dispositivos Rápida foto e vídeo para upload My Nero, YouTubeï ¿½ ï ¿½ e MySpace
- Assistir, gravar, pausar e personalizar a sua experiência de TV ao vivo
- Play AVCHD e outros formatos HD

Nero Burning ROM

- Nero Express - Nero DiscSpeed
- Nero DriveSpeed - Nero InfoTool
- Nero RescueAgent
- ControlCenter

Stardock WindowBlinds Enhanced 6.4

Stardock WindowBlinds Enhanced 6,4 Build 73 | 33,23 Mb

WindowBlinds é um one-of-a-tipo utilitário que permite que usuários de Windows mudar completamente a aparência da interface do Windows através da aplicação de uma nova pele. Há milhares de peles diferentes para escolher de que são livremente para download a partir do website WindowBlinds. Uma pele de WindowBlinds pode mudar o Windows para se parecer com um sistema operacional alternativo, marcas de carro esporte favorito, a equipe de esportes favoritos, ou praticamente qualquer outra coisa. Com placas de vídeo modernas, WindowBlinds pode fazer isso sem reduzir o desempenho. WindowBlinds 6 acrescenta a capacidade de ter "desfocada vidro fronteiras janela" no Windows XP que permite que os artistas para fazer peles que poderiam fazer Windows XP olhar virtualmente idêntico ao Windows Vista.

Além de apoio, WindowBlinds 6 acrescenta completa para personalizar novo Microsoft sistema operacional Windows Vista. Tudo a partir do Internet Explorer 7 esfolamento, Sidebar que esfola explorer backgrounds, WindowBlinds 6 peles virtualmente todo elemento do Windows Vista ao fazer uso pleno dos recursos de hardware de aceleração no Windows Vista para o máximo desempenho.
A nova versão adiciona também uma série de outros recursos, incluindo suporte a animação avançado em peles, usuário-pele creatable sub-estilos, um novo, fácil de usar o programa de configuração, opções de usuário personalização de fontes e cores em peles e muito mais.

WindowBlinds é seguro e fácil de usar. Ele não altera nenhum arquivo do sistema e os usuários podem alternar entre o padrão do Windows aparência e um personalizado WindowBlinds pele com o clique de um botão. Além disso, WindowBlinds foi testado para garantir que ele funciona com o Windows Vista, assim você sabe que é compatível, fiáveis e mais segura.

Stardock WindowBlinds o deixará aplicar milhares de peles diferentes (estilos visuais) para mudar a aparência do seu desktop inteiro. WindowBlinds é tão flexível que os usuários podem criar peles que imitam a aparência de outros sistemas operacionais. Mesmo com milhares de estilos visuais diferentes para escolher, você pode personalizar esses estilos visuais como bem. WindowBlinds lhe dá total controle sobre sua interface gráfica. WindowBlinds o deixará mudar a cor de seu Windows GUI, mude seu papel de parede, dar diferentes janelas seu próprio olhar específico, escolha uma nova barra de tarefas do Windows eo botão Iniciar.

WindowBlinds não apenas tornar o Windows mais bonito, pode torná-lo mais funcional. Você pode criar suas próprias peles que adicionar botões à barra de título que fornecem funcionalidades adicionais, tais como roll-up botões, botões de link, cortes programa curto, mesmo mídia jogador controla. Além disso, porque WindowBlinds usa os recursos mais recentes da placa gráfica, pode tornar o Windows mais rápido do que o padrão do Windows XP ou o "Aero" style.


* New start menu animation apoio
* Categoria filtragem em peles em wbconfig
* Tag filtragem em papéis de parede em wbconfig
* Random skin support
* A capacidade de salvar um re-coloração de pele como um preset
* Advanced HSL re-coloring onde você escolhe uma cor única e uma série de pele e você pode apenas mudar a cor ao invés de toda a pele
* Capacidade de editar as cores do sistema de wbconfig
* Capacidade de alterar fontes de pele de wbconfig
* Possibilidade de controlar a transparência e blur no menu iniciar, menus, barra de tarefas e janelas. Tem algumas limitações no XP
* Capacidade para salvar essas alterações como um preset
* Vista-Ize me function que estabelece alguns padrões para ter uma vista mais como o olhar
* Capacidade de pele a barra lateral
* Capacidade de editar uma barra lateral da pele de dentro wbconfig
* Improved WB skin instalar quando upgrades tratamento de peles
* Capacidade de alterar a velocidade do mouse sobre a animação
* Capacidade para alterar o botão padrão de velocidade de pulsação
* Support for explorer background bitmaps
* Capacidade de usar os quadros Aero com o resto da pele
* Blur apoio em barras de título (e menus do Vista)
* Um monte de novas seções para as novas partes específicas Vista
* Setas de navegação, incluindo o IE, IE tabs, start menu shutdown / lock buttons
* Skins virtualmente cada aspecto do GUI de Windows
* Limpeza de diálogo e de fácil configuração.
* Tons de opções de configuração para os usuários
* Animação com suporte em barras de título, botões e muitos outros elementos.
* Alterar a cor de qualquer estilo visual na mosca
* Per-application estilos visuais
* Não alterar qualquer sistema de arquivos
* Seguro e fiável para alterar a aparência do Windows

Home Page -

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Kaspersky Activation Keys For All KIS and KAV 16.10.2009

New keys for Kaspersky Antivirus and Internet Security.
Here I Enclosed Activation Keys For Kaspersky Internet Security And
Antivirus Versions 2010,2009,v9,v8.v7 v6. These All Keys Were Tested By
Myself.Keys Updated On 16th october 2009 at 1:30GMT.All Keys 100%
Working. Some Keys Valid Until Next Year.All the keys are Tested & 100%
Working. Fresh keys added after yesterday's blacklist.

For Activating Kaspersky Internet Security 2010 using this key:-
How To Use Guide:

1)Click On License (At The Bottom Of Kapsersky Main Window).
A New window Called "License manager" Will Open.
[If A Key Already Exist Click On The 'X' Button Infront Of It And Press

Yes To Delete The Key]
2)Click On "Activate New License".
A New Window Called "Kaspersky Internet Security Activation Wizard"

Will Open.
3)Enter This Code: "T1JVS-NNMBD-K1QTN-SUBP8" (It's A BETA Expired Code
- Which Is Completely Normal).
4)A New Option Will Show Up When The Above Activation Fails.
5)In "Key File" Click "Browse" And Search For The Key.
6)Choose A Key And Click Next.

Size : 5.6 MB

Download links :




Saturday, October 17, 2009

Typing Master Pro V.70 Crack Included

With TypingMaster Pro you can learn the touch typing technique and bring your keyboarding to a whole new level.

Your typing will become as easy and fluent as speaking, enabling you to complete writing tasks with a new level of efficiency. You will save loads of time as you create reports, emails and presentations much faster.

Additionally, you can stop hunting for keys and focus solely on your text and ideas, giving yourself more freedom for creativity.
Accelerate your typing speed
With TypingMaster a novice keyboard user can learn to type many times faster. Clumsy typing will no longer interrupt the flow of your thoughts!
Get rid of typos
Get rid of those annoying typing errors and increase the quality of your texts.
Save valuable work time
Learning to touch type will help save dozens of working hours each year as you type faster and do not need to correct errors constantly.
Link checked on Tue Aug 11, 2009 8:54 pm [WBB_Linkchecker_Bot]


F.B.I FACES worth 400 $ - MUST HAVE!


F.B.I Faces worth 400$

This program allows to create,Modify Various faces.

Have a look at the pic for more info




F.B.I. Forensic Field Kit

This is the ultimate bootable Disk for power user, or wannabe agent. This has to be the most kick ass software i've posted yet. I hope everyone finds some use for it. Basically, the FBI Forensic Field Kit is a AIO Toolkit with compiled applications and ebooks designed to investigate and coordinate the user to look for buried files, and information logged inside your computers hard drive.

Forensics Tools:
Sleuth Kit -Forensics Kit
Py-Flag - Forensics Browser
Autopsy - Forensics Browser for Sleuth Kit
dcfldd - DD Imaging Tool command line tool and also works with AIR
foremost - Data Carver command line tool
Air - Forensics Imaging GUI
md5deep - MD5 Hashing Program
netcat - Command Line
cryptcat - Command Line
qtparted - GUI Partitioning Tool
regviewer - Windows Registry Viewer
X-Ways WinTrace
X-Ways WinHex
X-Ways Forensics
R-Studio Emergency (Bootable Recovery media Maker)
R-Studio Network Edtion
R-Studio RS Agent
Net resident
Faces 3 Full (600 megs)
Encase 4.20

Field Kit Manuals:
Incident response - Computer Forensics
Computer Crime investigation
Forensic Pathology
Internet Forensics
Forensic interpretation of Evidence
Windows Forensics
Computer Forensics -An Illustrated Dictionary
Computer Forensics - jumpstart

Additional programs on Boot DVD:
Gentoo Linux 2.6 Kernel - Opyimized for Forensics Use
Apache2 - Server
Mysql PHP4
Open Office
Gimp - Graphics Program
KSnapshot - Screen Capture Program
Gnome CD Master
K3b - CD Burner
XMMS - media player
Porthole - Gentoo Graphics Package Manager
Karchiver - GZIp GUI
Security Tools:
Etherape - GUI Network Traffic Monitor
Clamv - Anti Virus
snort - Command Line
John the Ripper - Command Line password cracker
rkhunter - Command Line
Ethereal - Network Traffic Analyzer
FWBuilder - GUI Firewall App
nessus - network scanner
This is the ultimate bootable Disk for the agent, (or wannabe agent)

Forensics Tools:
Sleuth Kit -Forensics Kit
Py-Flag - Forensics Browser
Autopsy - Forensics Browser for Sleuth Kit
dcfldd - DD Imaging Tool command line tool and also works with AIR
foremost - Data Carver command line tool
Air - Forensics Imaging GUI
md5deep - MD5 Hashing Program
netcat - Command Line
cryptcat - Command Line
qtparted - GUI Partitioning Tool
regviewer - Windows Registry Viewer
X-Ways WinTrace
X-Ways WinHex
X-Ways Forensics
R-Studio Emergency (Bootable Recovery media Maker)
R-Studio Network Edtion
R-Studio RS Agent
Net resident
Faces 3 Full (600 megs)
Encase 4.20

Field Kit Manuals

Incident response - Computer Forensics
Computer Crime investigation
Forensic Pathology
Internet Forensics
Forensic interpretation of Evidence
Windows Forensics
Computer Forensics -An Illustrated Dictionary
Computer Forensics - jumpstart

Additional programs on Boot DVD:

Gentoo Linux 2.6 Kernel - Opyimized for Forensics Use
Apache2 - Server
Mysql PHP4
Open Office
Gimp - Graphics Program
KSnapshot - Screen Capture Program
Gnome CD Master
K3b - CD Burner
XMMS - media player
Porthole - Gentoo Graphics Package Manager
Karchiver - GZIp GUI
Security Tools:
Etherape - GUI Network Traffic Monitor
Clamv - Anti Virus
snort - Command Line
John the Ripper - Command Line password cracker
rkhunter - Command Line
Ethereal - Network Traffic Analyzer
FWBuilder - GUI Firewall App


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Foxit Reader Professional 3.1.2 Build 1013

Foxit Reader Pro

Foxit Reader is the only eligible alternative reader/viewer for PDF files (eBooks). It's free, smaller, faster, and cleaner. And it starts up immediately, so you don't need to wait the annoying "Welcome" screen to disappear. Foxit PDF Reader is extremely easy to use, just double click it to start and then click open button to open your PDF document. If you want to print, click on "Print" button. If you want to setup the page layout for printing, select "Print Setup" from "file" menu. Foxit Reader supports Windows 98/Me/2000/XP/2003/Vista

Unlike Adobe Reader, this one has size about than 2.5 MB, needs no installation and opens up immediately. You don't need to go throught lengthy installation process to start using Foxit PDF Reader, just UNZIP the downloaded "" package into any place you want, then run PDFReader.exe. You can set Foxit PDF Reader as your default PDF reader, so you can double click on PDF files to open them within Foxit PDF Reader.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

TrojanHunter 5.2 Build 988

TrojanHunter 5.2 Build 988
TrojanHunter 5.2 Build 988 | 21.28 MB

TrojanHunter is an advanced trojan scanner and toolbox, that searches for and removes trojans from your system. It uses several proven methods to find a wide variety of trojans such as file scanning, port scanning, memory scanning and registry scanning. The difference to many other trojan scanners is that TrojanHunter also allows you to add custom trojan definitions and detection rules using the easy to understand dialogs. It includes several additional tools, including a NetStat viewer, Memory String Extractor, Process Viewer, Auto-Start Explorer and various plug-ins for advanced users. TrojanHunter comes with a Live Update features that keeps the Trojan signatures current. TrojanHunter is a powerful application designed to detect and remove trojans. With its unique scan engine capable of searching every hiding spot on your computer for trojans, you can be assured of having the most advanced trojan protection available.

Featuring an intuitive user interface and a scanner capable of thoroughly examining your files, system registry, open ports and running processes it gives you all-round protection against trojans. With an easy-to-use Scanner and a Guard that scans in the background TrojanHunter is a must-have complement to your virus scanner.

TrojanHunter is a highly engineered program capable of searching your system thoroughly for any sign of a trojan horse. Unlike other trojan scanners, TrojanHunter will not only scan files, but will penetrate into every conceivable place where it is possible to detect a trojan:
• File scanning scans files for trojans, including Zip files, Rar files and binded executables.
• The extremely powerful memory scanning technology of TrojanHunter scans your computer's main memory for running trojans. Using this technique, TrojanHunter is able to find any packed variation of a trojan.
Registry scanning searches through the Windows registry for any autostart or configuration entry belonging to a trojan.
• The port scan alerts you if any port that is open on the system matches one known to be used by a trojan.
• Inifile scanning checks .ini-files for configuration or autostart entries created by trojans.
• Script scanning for finding trojans in BAT files, VBS scripts, active HTML content and more... In addition to the above main detection methods, the plug-in framework of TrojanHunter provides additional ways of detecting trojans; the extension checker plug-in, for example, will alert you to any executable files with double extensions, a method commonly used to sneak trojans onto a system.

• High-speed file scan engine capable of detecting modified trojans
Memory scanning for detecting any modified variant of a particular build of a trojan
Registry scanning for detecting traces of trojans in the registry
• Inifile scanning for detecting traces of trojans in configuration files
• Port scanning for detecting open trojan ports
• The Advanced Trojan Analyzer, an exclusive feature of TrojanHunter, is able to find whole classes of trojans using advanced scanning techniques • TrojanHunter Guard for resident memory scanning - detect any trojans if they manage to start up
• LiveUpdate utility for effortless ruleset updating via the Internet
• Add custom trojan definitions and detection rules
• Process list giving details about every running process on the system, including the path to the actual executable file
• Accurate removal of all detected trojans - even if they are running or if the trojan has injected itself into another process
• Built-in netstat viewer
• Extensive help files
• Free technical support via e-mail

Homepage -

Nero Multilingual Software Collection

Nero Multilingual Software Collection
Nero Multilingual Software Collection | 1.14 GB

Nero 9 Highlights:
* Fast and easy rip, burn, auto backup and copy functions
* Backup files to CD, DVD and Blu-ray discs
* Create professional-looking DVD movies with integrated volumetric menu
* Copy, burn, share, upload, and create music mixes like a DJ
* Convert music, photos and DVD, to play on your iPod and other mobile devices
* Quick photo and video on the My Nero, YouTube, and MySpace
* Watch, record, pause, and customize your live TV
* Play AVCHD and other HD formats

Nero Multilingual Software Collection
Nero Multilingual Software Collection


Thursday, October 8, 2009

Download AVG 9.0 AntiVirus, Anti-Spyware And Anti-Rootkit Software

According to, AVG is rated as a four star antivirus software out of five. I’ve never tried the full version before, having said that, I do have the free edition installed on both desktops. Based on my own personal experience, its a pretty solid antivirus.

If you use your computer every day, you need protection that’s always there, constantly keeping you safe. With AVG 9 Anti-Virus, you get hassle-free protection against today’s most sophisticated threats, online and offline.

Download AVG 9.0 AntiVirus, Anti-Spyware And Anti-Rootkit Software

Somehow the latest trend among antivirus company is speed, low memory usage, constant updates. I guess the anti virus engine by most security company has matured to a certain level where detection rate is pretty high. Some of the features:

  • Game Mode
  • Anti-Rootkit
  • Anti-Spyware
  • LinkScanner® Search-Shield
  • E-mail Scanner

Download AVG 9.0 AntiVirus, Anti-Spyware And Anti-Rootkit Software

As you can see from the screenshot above, the user interface is cleaner. Major task are divided into 3 different tabs, making the overall user interface easier to understand.

Two of its new features I find interesting is the intergration of Anti-Rootkit, this ensures even the toughest and most sophisticated threats are kept off your PC. The other new features is Linkscanner, it applies safety ratings to your Google, Bing/MSN and Yahoo search results.

As Windows and Linux becomes more secure with each release, hacking is not as easy as it used to be. Therefore hackers has restored to web phishing. AVG 9 has everything covered. I believe the free edition is not too far away from official release, probably in a month or two.

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

AppDev Exploring Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual Basic DVD

AppDev Exploring Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual Basic DVD

AppDev Exploring Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual Basic DVD | 1.64 GB
Release: 10/05/2009

Visual Studio 2008 adds a large set of new functionality for the Visual Studio developer. From new language features, including LINQ (Language Integrated Query) to new client-side data support, Visual Studio 2008, and the .NET Framework 3.5, make it easier than ever to create robust, enterprise-level applications. This course introduces the most important new features in Visual Studio 2008 for experienced Visual Studio developers.

In this course you will...

* Investigate new language features, including LINQ (Language Integrated Query)
* Incorporate improvements to Visual Studio’s data features
* Build applications using Windows Presentation Foundation (WPF)
* Communicate between applications using Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)
* Create workflow-enabled applications using Windows Workflow Foundation (WF)
* Investigate new features for both Web and Windows applications
* Learn about building managed applications for Microsoft Office

Prerequisites: Before taking this course, students should have a good working knowledge of Visual Studio 2005 and the .NET Framework 2.0.

Audience: This course is focused directly on existing Visual Studio 2005 developers who want to learn, in a succinct fashion, what's new for them in Visual Studio 2008.

AppDev Exploring Visual Studio 2008 Using Visual Basic DVD

FREE Download Hotfile.Com

PREMIUM Download Rapidshare.Com

All links are interchangeable

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Ashampoo Burning Studio 2010 Retail

The easiest way to burn your data, music and movie files to CD, DVD or Blu-ray Disc! You just choose your format, select your files and burn your disc. It really is that easy, but easy doesn’t mean you get less functionality: Advanced burning functions are also available for experienced users who want to choose specific file systems or use special boot images.

This Ashampoo CD/DVD/Blu-ray burning application makes it really easy to create & copy your own data, video, audio and multisession CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs.. Many current CD/DVD burning programs are universal “everything including the kitchen sink” applications that are overloaded with countless confusing functions. With Ashampoo Burning Studio you can save your music and data files to CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs with just a couple of mouse clicks! Ashampoo Burning Studio supports all current DVD and CD writers. The program supports following disc types: CD-R, RD-RW, DVD-R/RW, DVD+R/RW, DVD-RAM, DVD+R Double Layer and Blu-ray.

Just do what you want to do!
• Burn Files and Folders!
• Backup or Restore Files and Folders!
• Burn or Rip Music!
• Burn Movies!
• Copy a CD/DVD/Blu-ray Disc
• Create and Burn images!
• Experts Functions
• Erase a CD-RW, DVD-RW, Blu-ray Disc!
• Print and Design Covers

Anyone who has ever struggled with complicated disc burning software is always amazed when they try Ashampoo Burning Studio. This is how software should be: Instead of studying complicated manuals you just choose what you want to do and then follow the instructions displayed on the screen. For example, to make a DVD you select Create a Video DVD and the program guides you through the steps of adding clips, building menus and burning the disc.
This doesn’t mean the program has been “dumbed down”: Burning Studio is a complete and powerful disc burning suite that also satisfies advanced users with all the tweaking features you expect from less accessible programs.

The features of Ashampoo Burning Studio:
• Burn files and folders to CD/DVD/Blu-ray and add files and folders to existing discs
• Multi-disc file backup and restore on CD/DVD/Blu-ray with compression and password protection
• Create VideoCDs and Super VideoCDs
• Rip music from audio CDs to MP3, WMA and WAV files
• Create audio CDs from WAV, MP3, FLAC, WMA and Ogg Vorbis files
• Create MP3 or WMA CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs or just copy music to CD, DVD or Blu-ray
• Copy CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs
• Create and burn disc images for CD, DVD and Blu-ray
• Quickly erase any rewritable media
• Store disc images larger than 2GB on FAT32 file systems
• Interactive troubleshooting assistant for solving hardware and media problems
• Save project files so that you can burn the same discs again later
• Integrated support for over 1,700 CD, DVD and Blu-ray burners
• Video: Burn Video DVDs directly from almost any video files
• Modified and Bootable Copies: Add additional files while copying discs, make modified copies of bootable discs
• MP3 Ripping: Rip audio CDs directly to MP3 as well as WMA or WAV
• Backup and Restore: Choose archive size, restore individual files
• Expert Functions: Create bootable discs from boot images, choose file system settings
... and much more!

Now with video editing and many new features:
• For all your CD, DVD and Blu-ray burning tasks
• Fast and easy – choose a task and follow instructions
• New full-featured movie editor – cut and combine videos
• Cover and label designer for discs and cases
• Advanced animated slide show editor and burner
• Burn all kinds of data, music, video and photo discs
• Copy discs, backup and restore your data
• Rip music to a variety of formats
• Update existing discs, add new data and content

The new Movie Editor and Movie Player

The biggest new feature of Ashampoo Burning Studio 9 is the Movie Editor, which adds powerful video editing and DVD interface building capabilities to the program. This is not just a little clip trimmer – you probably won’t need any other video editing software. Movie Editor has all the features you need to turn your clip collection and home videos into impressive finished movies.
You also get a brand new Movie Player with a significantly improved video rendering engine and a modern graphical interface.

Movie Editor highlights:
? Edit videos with timeline and preview
? Super-easy drag-and-drop editing for videos, subtitles etc.
? Graphical timeline for clips, transitions, titles, subtitles and images
? Burn finished movies to DVD with animated menus
? Ready-to-use themes for DVD menus
? Cut clips into separate blocks, trim and extract sections
? Assemble multiple clips in a few easy steps
? Add titles, subtitles, shaped text etc.
? Add images, logos and graphical shapes with fill, borders etc.
? Cross-fades and graphical transitions between clips
? Fade-in and fade-out for all objects (images, texts etc.)
? Live preview your movies in the editor with transitions
? Add background music to movies
? Rotate images directly in the Movie Editor
? Set start and end times for clips (play only part of clip)
? Automatic search for scene boundaries

Movie Player highlights :
? Modern graphical interface, very intuitive with popup control tips
? Volume control, display current play position and total time
? Clip display with jump to position controls
? Full screen mode with quick switch control

Slideshow Editor
The Slideshow Editor makes it a snap to turn your photos into impressive DVD slideshows with animated graphical menus. You can also include video clips in your slideshows. Just select your photos, videos and background music tracks and burn. Here too, you can produce shows instantly by choosing ready-to-use themes or get creative and design your own. Burning Studio comes with a set of attractive themes and you can download more from the Ashampoo website.

New Slideshow Editor features:
? Timeline editing with drag & drop and preview
? Cross-fades and graphical transitions between images
? Thumbnail preview for fades and transitions
? Add background music for the entire show with multiple tracks
? Add titles, subtitles, shaped text
? Add images, logos and graphical shapes with fill, borders etc.
? Fade-in and fade-out for all objects (images, texts etc.)
? Rotate images directly in the editor
? Ready-to-use themes

Cover Editor

The Cover Editor has everything you need for labeling your discs and producing cool covers for jewel cases, slim cases, DVD cases and Blu-ray cases. You can design your own or just enter a title and select one of the pre-designed themes for instant point-and-click results – it also imports track data from your discs automatically. The Cover Editor prints both on a wide range of predefined label formats and directly onto discs on printers that support this function.

New Cover Editor features

? Save your own designs as themes and reuse or share them
? Export projects as XML files
? Scan covers directly from original CD covers
? Load covers and graphics from files, the Web or the Windows Clipboard
? Attractive new themes with new graphics and layouts
? Editor improvements, faster operation
? Draw and insert geometrical shapes with borders, fill and transparency
? Group elements in the editor to move them together
? Free rotation for objects and groups of objects, or snap rotate in 15°, 45° or 90° increments
? Print up to 4 CDs on a single page
? Printer calibration utility for maximum precision printing, calibration settings are saved for every printer used – you only need to calibrate once
? Updated label and printer database with many new formats and printers
? Undo function in the Table Editor

Size : 31 MB

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