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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Safari 4 Beta Released for MAC & PC [Download Now]

Apple has just released Safari 4 Beta version to the public for free download. Safari is a famous web-browser which works flawlessly and produces great graphics. Whether on a Mac, PC, iPhone, or iPod touch, Safari continuously redefines the browser, providing the most enjoyable way to experience the Internet. Learn more


New Features Introduced:

  • Top Sites See your favorite websites at a glance. Open one with a single click.
  • Cover Flow Flip through your site history or bookmarks like you flip through albums in iTunes.
  • Full History Search Easily retrieve sites you’ve seen before. Spot the one you want in Cover Flow.
  • Tabs on Top Manage your tabs elegantly and open a wide window for exploring the web.
  • Nitro Engine Wait less. Browse more. Surf the web with the world’s fastest browser.
  • Windows Native Look and Feel Vista and XP users: feel right at home in Safari for Windows.
  • Developer Tools Access the best suite of development tools ever included in a browser.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Openbravo ERP 2.20 foe Accounting


Openbravo ERP is a fully functional, integrated, web-based, open source ERP (enterprise management system) that offers a unique value proposition: A higher value at a lower cost.
The system is for enterprises that are looking for an integrated system to manage their business. One that is capable of managing daily operations, optimizing business processes, improving customer satisfaction and, ultimately, increasing profits.

Why Openbravo ERP?
Open Source
Fully Functional
Truly Integrated, Truly an ERP
Adapted to Your Needs
Revolutionary Architecture


Java 2 Platform Standard Edition 5.0

Size 15 MB


Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Symantec Network Access Control v11.0.4010.19

Symantec Network Access Control 11.0 securely controls access to corporate networks, enforces endpoint security policy and easily integrates with existing network infrastructures. Regardless of how endpoints connect to the network, Symantec's award-winning network access control solution discovers and evaluates endpoint compliance status, provisions the appropriate network access and provides automated remediation capabilities.

Key Features

- Blocks or quarantines non-compliant devices from accessing the corporate network and resources.
- Hosts Integrity tests against pre-defined templates such as patch level, service packs, antivirus, and personal firewall status, as well as custom created checks tailored for the enterprise environment.
- Provides pervasive endpoint coverage for managed and unmanaged laptops, desktops, and servers existing both on and off the corporate network.

Key Benefits

- Reduced propagation of malicious code such as viruses, worms, trojans, spyware, and other forms of malware.
- Greater network availability and reduced disruption of services for end-users.
- Verifiable, organizational compliance information through near real-time endpoint compliance checking.
- Verification of endpoint security investments such as antivirus and client firewall being properly enabled.
- Provides a seamless integration with Symantec Endpoint Protection 11.0.

New Features

Single Agent and Single Console
Delivers a single agent for managing all Symantec Endpoint Protection technologies and Symantec Network Access Control, thus allowing for a single communication method and content delivery system across all technologies.
- Provides operational efficiencies such as single software updates, single policy updates.
- Provides unified and central reporting.
- Provides unified licensing and maintenance.
- Requires no change to the client when adding Symantec Network Access Control enforcement.
- Lowers Total Cost of Ownership for endpoint security.
- Reduces administrative effort.

Size : 323 MB(3x100+23)

Download part 1

Download part 2

Download part 3

Download part 4

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Create a Safe Senders List in Gmail Similar to Outlook

Dean recently lost his web domain as all the renewal email reminders from his registrar were getting marked as spam and, unfortunately, Dean did not care to check his spam folder.

We can’t really blame Dean for this because if someone receives a few hundred spam email messages in a day, it’s not always possible to manually review each and every mail in the junk list just to filter out the false positives.

What we therefore need is some sort of safe senders list or a white list of email addresses (and web domains) that should not be marked as spam by your email service.

Outlook Style Junk Email Filters in Gmail


Microsoft Outlook includes some excellent filtering options to help you minimize the risk of important emails getting marked as spam. Let’s see how we can go about implementing Outlook like safe filters in Gmail.

Safe Senders List - A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that you want to receive messages from.

Let’s say you want to create a white list in gmail such that none of the following emails are ever marked as spam:

  • All mails that have an edu in the sender’s address. (top level domain)
  • You work for and don’t want to see mails from your boss or colleagues in the junk folder ever. (individual domain names)
  • Notification emails from Godaddy (specific email addresses)

You can put all this information in the From field of Gmail folder separated by the boolean OR operator and check the box that says "Never Send it to Spam".


Tomorrow if you want to whitelist another domain or email address, simple modify the above filter and append the new names using the same OR operator.

Safe Recipients List - A list of email mailing lists and domain names that you belong to and want to receive messages from.

Sometimes emails sent to a mailing list may get marked as spam in Gmail as you’re not in the To: or CC: list. To avoid such a situation, you may add that mailing list address to your address book (or contacts list) and Gmail is unlikely to mark emails with that address as spam.

Alternatively, you can create a fool proof safe recipients list (as shown above) but now put the safe addresses in the To: field of your Gmail filter.

Blocked Senders List - A list of domain names and e-mail addresses that you want to be blocked.

If you want to block all emails that are either sent from a particular domain (say .ru or or the message is sent using some specific email address, use the following filter:

Matches: from:(.ru OR OR
Do this: Skip Inbox, Delete it

This filter is really handy for blocking emails that may be from legitimate sources but don’t have the "unsubscribe" link - like that newsletter from MTV.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Don’t Crack! Download Rising Antivirus Free Edition 2009

Searching for Rising Antivirus 2009 20.63 and Rising Firewall 2008 20.68 serial number, crack and keygen? Search no more, Rising Global is giving away Rising Antivirus Free Edition 2009 for free, no charges, simply download and install.

Rising Global is a software company in China; they are the guys behind the Rising Antivirus 2009 Free Edition, which is quite popular in their home country. Just like AVG Free Edition 8.0, Rising AntiVirus 2009 protects your computer from viruses, trojans, and malicious program, and the best part is, it’s free. In addition, Rising Antivirus Free Edition 2009 provides a full aspect protection to user account information, for instant: online banking, online gaming, MSN messenger, E-mail account, Yahoo Messenger and more.



Just like AVG, Rising Global decided to emulate them by giving away a free stripped down version of the AntiVirus program. I won’t go into details on its technology because I don’t see a point repeating the same thing when one can find the information in their website, however, it is important to note that Rising Antivirus 2009 supports every version of Windows released by Microsoft except for Windows 95 and it uses very little memory. Download Rising Antivirus Free Edition 20.63 (Brothersoft Website)

Below is a list of Rising AntiVirus user, as you can see, it is widely used in China making it one of the best antivirus in the land of the dragons.


How to Copy, Paste and Print Secured and Restricted PDF Document

Certain PDF documents prevent the user from copying and pasting or printing its contents. Not that you have any bad intention, say you need to quote a few paragraph as reference for your report with credit given, it would a waste of time typing everything over again.

The following page contains a free online utility that allows you to upload a locked PDF, once uploaded; a version of the PDF without printing or copying/pasting restrictions is displayed in a new browser window. Proceed to print. Visit Free PDF Unlock Online Utility. Note: The webpage is sort of spammy with lots of ads, search for the upload button and check the term and condition box.


How to Receive and Send Fax To or Via Email Service and Software

How to send email to fax? Fax via email? Fax to email software? Fax service via email? It doesn’t make any sense to own a FAX machine if you only need to use it once in a blue moon. Going to the nearest post office or any related shop offering Fax services is expensive. The internet has opened up many possibilities, one of them is fax to email service and vice versa.

Here is a simple tutorial on ’send fax through email’, this service is absolutely free and the best email fax service, not limited to any number of fax and is widely recognized all over the world. The following fax thru email service allows email attachment.

How to Send and Receive Free Fax To Email Service and Software

Send a FAX by e-mail

01. Address format:

02. Assumed Yahoo’s fax machine number is 655-255-1111

03. The format is: Jerry_Yang_CEO/

04. The fax cover page says:

    Jerry Yang CEO
    Yahoo America

05. Notes:

    * Use the name of the recipient you wish to have on the coversheet.
    * The character ‘_’ is converted to a space
    * The character ‘/’ is converted to start a new line

For more information and the latest updates, please visit TPC.INT,

IDDD Country Codes for Fax

1 CA Canada
1 US United States
20 EG Egypt, Arab Republic of
212 MA Morocco, Kingdom of
213 DZ Algeria
216 TN Tunisia
218 LY Libyan Arab People’s Socialist Jamahiriya
220 GA Gabon Republic
221 SN Senegal Republic
222 MR Mauritania, Islamic Republic of
223 MO Mali Republic
224 GN Guinea, People’s Rev. Republic
226 BF Burkina Faso
227 NE Niger Republic
228 TG Togo, Republic of
229 BJ Benin, People’s Republic of
230 MU Mauritius
231 LR Liberia
232 SL Sierra Leone
233 GH Ghana
234 NG Nigeria, Federal Republic of
235 TD Chad Republic
236 CF Central African Republic
237 CM Cameroon, United Republic of
238 CV Cape Verde Islands
239 ST Sao Tome
240 GQ Equatorial Guinea, Republic of
242 CG Congo, Republic of
243 ZR Zaire, Republic of
244 AO Angola
245 GW Guinea-Bissau
246 Diego Garcia
247 Ascension Island
248 SC Seychelles Islands
250 RW Rwanda
251 ET Ethiopia
253 DJ Djibouti, Republic of
254 KE Kenya, Republic of
255 TZ Tanzania
256 UG Uganda
257 BI Burundi
258 MZ Mozambique
260 ZM Zambia
261 MG Madagascar, Democratic Republic of
262 RE Reunion Island
263 ZW Zimbabwe
264 NA Namibia
265 MW Malawi
266 LS Lesotho
267 BW Botswanna
268 SZ Swaziland
269 KM Comoros, Federation and Islamic Republic of
269 Mayotte Island
27 ZA South Africa, Republic of
290 SH St. Helena
297 AW Aruba
298 FO Faroe Islands
299 GL Greenland
30 GR Greece
31 NL Netherlands
32 BE Belgium
33 AD Andorra
33 FR France
33 MC Monaco
34 ES Spain
350 GI Gibraltar
351 PT Portugal
352 LU Luxembourg
353 IE Ireland, Republic of
354 IS Iceland
355 AL Albania, Socialist Republic of
356 MT Malta
357 CY Cyprus
358 FI Finland
359 BG Bulgaria
36 HU Hungary
381 Montenegro
381 Serbia
385 Croatia
386 Slovenia
387 Bosnia
389 Macedonia
39 SM San Marino
39 VA Vatican City
39 IT Italy
40 RO Romania, Socialist Republic of
41 LI Liechtenstein
41 CH Switzerland
42 CS Czechoslovakia
43 AT Austria
44 GB United Kingdom
45 DK Denmark
46 SE Sweden
47 NO Norway
48 PL Poland, Republic of
49 DE Germany, Federal Republic of
500 Falkland Islands
501 BZ Belize
502 GT Guatemala
503 SV El Salvador
504 HN Honduras
505 NI Nicaragua
506 CR Costa Rica
507 PA Panama
508 PM St. Pierre and Miquelon
509 HT Haiti
51 PE Peru
52 MX Mexico
5399 Guantanamo Bay
54 AR Argentina
55 BR Brazil
56 CL Chile
57 CO Colombia
58 VE Venezuela
590 GP Guadeloupe
591 BO Bolivia
592 GY Guyana
593 EC Ecuador
594 GF French Guiana
595 PY Paraguay
596 French Antilles
597 SR Suriname, Republic of
598 UY Uruguay
599 AN Netherlands Antilles
60 MY Malaysia
61 AU Australia
62 ID Indonesia
63 PH Philippines
64 NZ New Zealand
65 SG Singapore, Republic of
66 TH Thailand
670 Saipan
671 GU Guam
672 AQ Antartica
672 CX Christmas Island and Cocos Islands
672 NF Norfolk Island
673 BN Brunei
674 NR Nauru
675 PG Papua New Guinea
676 TO Tonga Islands
677 SB Solomon Islands
678 VU Vanuatu, Republic of
679 FJ Fiji Islands
680 PW Palau, Republic of
681 WF Wallis and Futuna Islands
682 CK Cook Islands
683 NU Niue
684 AS American Samoa
685 WS Western Samoa
686 KI Kiribati
687 NC New Caledonia
688 TV Tuvalu
689 PF French Polynesia
691 FM Micronesia, Federated States of
692 MH Marshall Islands
7 AM Armenia
7 AZ Azerbaijan
7 BY Belarus
7 EE Estonia
7 GE Georgia
7 KZ Kazakhstan
7 KG Kyrgyzstan
7 LV Latvia
7 LT Lithuania
7 MD Moldova, Republic of
7 RU Russian Federation
7 TJ Tajikistan
7 TM Turkmenistan
7 UA Ukrainian SSR
7 UZ Uzbekistan
809 GD Grenada
809 KN Nevis
809 AG Antigua and Barbuda
809 AI Anguilla
809 BB Barbados
809 BM Bermuda
809 BS Bahamas
809 DM Dominica
809 DO Dominican Republic
809 JM Jamaica
809 KN Saint Kitts and Nevis
809 KY Cayman Islands
809 LC Saint Lucia
809 MS Montserrat
809 TC Turks and Caicos Islands
809 TT Trinidad and Tobago, Democratic Republic of
809 VC St. Vincent and the Grenadines
809 VG British Virgin Islands
81 JP Japan
82 KR Korea, Republic of
84 VN Viet Nam
852 HK Hong Kong
853 MO Macao
855 KH Cambodia
86 CN China, People’s Republic of
880 BD Bangladesh, People’s Republic of
886 TW Taiwan, Republic of China
90 TR Turkey
91 IN India
92 PK Pakistan
94 LK Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of
960 MV Maldives, Republic of
961 LB Lebanon
962 JO Jordan
963 SY Syrian Arab Republic
964 IQ Iraq
965 KW Kuwait
966 SA Saudi Arabia
967 YE Yemen, Republic of
968 OM Oman
971 AE United Arab Emirates
972 IL Israel
973 BH Bahrain
974 QA Qatar
975 BT Bhutan
976 MN Mongolian’s People’s Republic
977 NP Nepal
98 IR Iran, Islamic Republic of

Send Free International SMS Message Online From PC, Web and Email

How to send sms from email? Which website allows us to send sms from computer? How to send anonymous sms? Where to send sms from internet? I’ve compiled a list of free SMS services via internet, the following services allows you to send sms messages from your computer to most countries such as India, Australia, China, Taiwan, UK and more.

Send SMS From Web

Send Free International SMS Message Online From PC

Send sms via email using the following email address, replace ‘PhoneNumber’ with the recipient’s phone number. Leave the subject line empty as shown in the image below.

Jaxtr - A new web SMS service, free to use, tested by geckoandfly and found it to be reliable as promised at the time of writing.

Free Global SMS - Send free international SMS messages, comes with a world map that lists providers that offer free SMS messaging services.

Send a Free SMS - Send free SMS to USA and Canada only.

Gizmo SMS - Send FREE messages to any Mobile Phone, international SMS allowed.

Text Memos - Schedule a SMS for special events such as birthday wishes and more. will send a free text message reminder to the phone at the scheduled time. No Registration Required! Only for American mobile carrier.

Send SMS Now - Free international sms, registration required. Allows the sender to receive text replies in their SendSMSnow inbox. send and receive sms messages online. Send UNLIMITED text messages to your contacts and more.

SMS Everywhere - Free SMS service to USA cell phone only.

Freebie SMS - Free SMS to UK phone numbers. Send bulk sms for a small sum of fee.

Send SMS From Email

Send Free International SMS Message Online From PC email

Mobile Carrier - Maximum Characters - Email Address
Virgin Mobile - 125 characters -
Beyond GSM - 160 characters -
Cingular AT&T - 160 characters -
Verizon - 160 characters -
Centennial - 160 characters -
Cellular South - 150 characters -
Cincinnati Bell - 50 characters -
Boost Mobile - 140 characters -
Nextel - 140 characters -
Sprint - 160 characters -
T-Mobile - 140 characters -
Alltel - 140 characters -
Qwest - 185 characters -
MetroPCS - 185 characters -
Cricket - 143 characters -
Bell - 140 characters -
Telus - 140 characters -
Rogers - 125 characters -
Fido - 155 characters -

Friday, February 6, 2009

How to Clean Your Internet History in Firefox

Consider this - you are sharing a computer at home, there aren’t any separate user logins and all family members use the same Firefox browser to surf the web. How do you make sure that people don’t get to know about the websites you visited last night?

In other words, how can you selectively clear such tracks from the Firefox browser without deleting the entire web browsing history?

Forget about this Site

This option is recommended if you want to erase only a couple of websites from your browser’s history.

clean history in firefox

Press Ctrl+H to access your web history in the Firefox sidebar, type some characters in the search box to find the website(s) that you want to remove, right click and select the "Forget About This Site" option as shown in the screenshot.

This option lets you delete either entire domains (like or even sub-domains (like from your browser history.

*If you like to selectively delete only a couple of web pages from the history (and not the entire website), just right click the web page title in the History box and select Delete This Page or hit the Del key on your keyboard.

Clear History from the Last Hour

Your family members have gone shopping and you therefore spent the last two hours browsing the 18+ web. Fine but how you do make sure that all the tracks are erased before the door bell rings.

clear recent history in Firefox

Simple. Press Ctrl+Shift+Del in Firefox to open the "Clear Recent History" dialog and select "the last two hours" or "my history for today" option. This will delete only your recent Internet history while leaving the old data untouched so your wife will still quickly access all her previously visited sites from the address bar.

Browse Privately in Firefox

Now in situations where you don’t want to take the risk of deleting history, activate the private browsing mode in Firefox by typing about:privatebrowsing in the address bar (or choose Private Browser from the Tools menu).

This is the safest option because none of your web activities will be recorded anywhere. The private mode is turned off automatically as soon you close the browser window.

firefox private browsing

Send Postal Letters Anywhere in the World Through Internet

send email as postal mailThere are three reasons why you may want to send emails as paper letters using snail mail:

1. Some of your relatives live in remote villages where they don’t have computers let alone access to Internet.

2. Your grandparents know computers but they’ll probably feel more happy if you could send them emails and photographs in paper form that they can read in the lawn outside.

3. You are trying to reach someone who already gets a few hundred email messages per day. Your email may get lost in the clutter but if you take the snail mail approach, chances are high that he or she will at least read your message if not respond to it.

How to Send Email as Snail Mail?

Print your email message, insert it into an envelope, rush to the nearest post office, buy some postage stamps and drop the letter in a post box.

Well that’s one of the option but it involves too much work so we’ll shift attention to some automated email to snail mail services that enable us to send paper mail right from the computer at our home.

These web based letter printing and dispatching services work more or less the same way. You send then an email or upload the document as Word or PDF on to their servers, make the payment online and they’ll send the letter via regular postal mail to the specified physical address.

Email to Postal Mail Services - A Comparison

Pricing Colored Printing Payment Options What’s Unique?
Postal Methods $1 for US addresses and $1.5 for international addresses No Credit Cards More useful for bulk mails as price decreases with volume
Mail a Letter $1 for US addresses and $2 for international addresses Yes Credit Cards, PayPal, Google Checkout You can add a self addressed envelope with the letter
eSnailer Service is free, only for US addresses No N/A The only snail mail service that’s free
Postful $1 for US addresses and $1.5 for international addresses Yes (for photographs) Credit Cards, PayPal, Google Checkout You can send photos as postcards
EZGram $1 for US addresses and $1.6 for non-US addresses Yes Credit Cards and PayPal Supports USPS Priority Mail for quick delivery
L-Mail Around $1 - depends on country No Credit Cards and Debit Cards Supports Braille and audio letters
Click 2 Mail Recommended for bulk mail Yes Credit Cards Supports Product Flyers, Booklets and Postcards
Email 2 Postal $1 for US addresses No Credit Cards Supports handwritten envelopes and greeting cards
PC 2 Paper $0.8 for UK and $1.5 for non-UK addresses Yes Credit Cards, Paypal and Nochex Offers a real UK based postal address for incoming post

All the web based post mail services discussed above let you send letters from anywhere in the world to any other destination. There are some country specific services like Via Post (for UK), Pixel Letter (for European Union), Snail Mail Me (for Canada) and India Post (for residents of India) that may turn out to be cheaper if are sending letters to any of these countries.

Also, of the services listed above, only L-Mail has offices (or rather printing stations) in quite a few international locations (including Mumbai in India) and thus it can deliver mails more quickly (and cheaply) depending upon the destination address.

Thursday, February 5, 2009

ClubDJ Pro C3 Full

ClubDJ Pro C3 Full | MB
Whether you mix Audio only, or require the added visual dynamics of Video mixing, C3's innovative feature-set, reliable mixing platform and easy-to-use interface will insure that you "Rock the House" every night. Real-time BMP detection, manual beat-matching, 60 ambient visualizations, on-screen text messaging, MIDI controller support, custom looping, tempo & pitch shifting, plus many more great features are all at your finger tips.

* Real-time dynamic BMP detection (Audio/Video)
* Precise playback control: play, pause, position, tempo, pitch, pitch bend
* Pin-Point Pitch controls (Audio/Video)
* Pin-Point Tempo controls (Audio)
* Precise video positioning frame-by-frame, forward and backward
* Dual audio/video/karaoke playback in two independent decks
* Dual video preview displays
* Frame-exact audio and video synchronization
* Audio/video mixing (crossfader) with 6 different video mixing effects
* Dual video output system. The mixed output is projected full-screen to output devices (TV, projector, etc.) while maintaining preview on your PC monitor.
* Support for up to 2 live cameras (USB, 1394...) simultaneously with the dual video playback
* Customizable image & logo overlay
* On screen text messaging: scrolling tape, static text
* Supports unlimited # of video screens
* 60 New Ambient Visualizations!
* Auto Crossfade control.
* Aspect-ratio video playback
* External Controller Support: Hercules DJ Consoles (MP3, MKII & MKII), Visiosonic DAC-2
* Dual audio outputs for using an external audio mixer
* Built-in emulated audio mixer with full PFL capabilities
* Playlist editor with auto-mix and auto-fade capability, seamlessly mixing audio, video and karaoke files
* Fade Now! Function for mixing current track with next one at any time
* DRM-Enabled for Windows Media files.
* 8 mixing Sampler decks
* 22 Cue points per deck
* Cue point indicator
* Set Cue points within a fraction of a millisecond
* Custom Looping.
* Volume Normalization
* Treeview record case
* Drag and Drop Media Library
* Quick Media Search (Scan your Media Library by artist, title, album, BMP, length, year or genre)
* History List
* Save & Load Playlist
* Shuffle playlist feature
* Auto-Crossfading Feature
* 6 different video transition effects
* Acceleration 3D card support
* Custom video performance options (control quality vs performance)
* VU Meter display
* DRM enabled (Digital Rights Managed)
* +12db/-24db 3-band equalizers automatic gain correction
* Quick "Fade Now" button
* Fast/Smooth Video transitions
* Sound Effects.
* External video mixer support.
* FREE unlimited trial

Monday, February 2, 2009

Free PDF Editor, Create PDF Online, PDF Printer Driver and Converter

Free PDF Editor, Create PDF Online, PDF Printer Driver and Converter

Virtual Adobe PDF Printer Driver

PrimoPDF - The best PDF printer / writer. Completely free PDF creator - Create PDF files from 300+ file types. Make 100% industry-standard PDF from any files that print and create PDF files optimized for print, screen, ebook, or prepress.Its free.

CutePDF Writer - CutePDF Writer (formerly CutePDF Printer) is the free version of commercial PDF creation software. CutePDF Writer installs itself as a “printer subsystem”. This enables virtually any Windows applications (must be able to print) to create professional quality PDF documents - with just a push of a button!

doPDF - doPDF enables you to convert any printable document to PDF format. The program installs as a virtual printer driver and can be accessed from any application that supports printing. Simply select the doPDF printer instead of your regular printer and the file will be converted and saved as PDF document. doPDF supports basic conversion features, including customizable resolution, page scaling, predefined page size and quality settings.

Convert Word Document to PDF file

PDF Converter convert commonly used files (Microsoft Office, Open Office, graphic images, vector graphic and other formats) to PDF. This interactive PDF converter and document creator is quick and reliable. Try it for yourself.

Search PDF Magazine and Books Online

Issuu - Explore a world of publications by people and publishers alike. Collect, share and publish in a format designed to make your documents look their very best.

Google PDF Search - type ‘YOUR KEYWORD filetype:pdf’ into the google search box. Replace YOUR KEYWORD with the keyword you want. Example here for ‘Free Pdf‘.

Scribd - With 50 million readers, 50,000 new writings and documents uploaded daily, Scribd possibly has the world’s largest collection of PDF.

4Shared - Tons of ebooks, magazines, journals in pdf format.

Data-Sheet - Powered by Google.

PlanetPDF – Community based PDF site.

PDF Search Engine


Free Best Online PDF Editor

OpenOffice 3 - Available in both Windows and Mac OS. OpenOffice 3 may not have all the PDF editing features of Adobe Acrobat Professional but will meet the needs of average users who only require minor pdf editing.

Google Doc - a very simple and straight forward way to create PDF files online without installing additional software or paying for expensive PDF editor. Simply Upload and edit your file online and select ‘Save As’ in Google Doc.

Free PDF Creator - Protect PDF with password in different encryption level and options, Create PDF files optimized for Screen, Ebook (online uses), Printer, Prepress (high resolution and embedded fonts) or Default (wide variety of uses). Allow you to Email, Merge, Split or Reorder, Reformat, Header or Footer, Watermark after the PDF creation.

PDF Hammer (Commercial) - Use PDF Hammer to quickly and easily edit your PDF files online without installing a thing! Simply upload PDF files to PDF Hammer via your web browser, perform your edits, and then save the files back to your computer. The online editor allows you to view the pages of your PDF files as you edit them.

PrimoOnline - PrimoOnline provides a super-fast way to create PDF files online, without the need to install any PDF software. Simply upload your file, enter your email address, and our server-based PDF creator will quickly convert it to PDF and deliver it straight to your email inbox.

PDF Escape - PDFescape is your free, online PDF reader, editor, form filler, & form designer. PDFescape is a new way to open PDF files and escape from the typical software requirements for using the de facto document file format.

Save and Extract Images in PDF

Some PDF Image Extract - Extract and save images in PDF documents.

Free DVD CD Data Recovery Software To Repair Scratch or Damaged Disk

Free DVD CD Data Recovery Software To Repair Scratch or Damaged Disk

How to recover files from damaged scratch DVD? What is the software for CD DVD data recovery software? While going through some of my old CD collections (movies), I discovered a large number of my CDs are badly damaged beyond readable, thus begin the journey of recovery. Based on my own experience and numerous software try out, I’ve compiled a short list of CD DVD data recovery software available for free to recover data from your damaged disk.

IsoPuzzle 1.7 beta - IsoPuzzle is by far the best software to recover data from damaged DVD, I tried the software on my old scratched CD and it worked. According to sources, it does not guarantee 100% recovery success rate, no harm trying.

CD Recovery Toolbox - CD Recovery Toolbox was developed for recovering damaged files from different disk types: CD, DVD, HD DVD, Blu-Ray, etc. Use it to restore and recover information lost as a consequence of some mechanical damage of the disk such as surface scratches, chips, different spots on the surface or as a result of incorrect recording on the boot sector. Thus, the program can recover data from CD and DVD that was considered lost or unreadable by the DVD drive. This is another good damaged DVD data recovery tool. Depending on the level of damage, the recovery progression may consume a slightly long time, on certain cases; the files might not be recoverable.

CD Check - Yet another DVD data recovery, CDCheck is a utility for the prevention, detection and recovery of damaged files on CD-ROMs with an emphasis on error detection. With CDCheck you can check your CDs and discover which files are corrupted that might affect the readability of the disk. Prevention is better than cure.

Internet Explorer 8 RC1

Internet Explorer 8 RC1 | 29.3 MB

Internet Explorer 8 takes the Web experience beyond the page and introduces a new way to seamlessly experience the power of the Web whether you are a Web developer writing to standards, or an end user discovering a new online service. This beta release is available to everyone, but is primarily for Web developers and designers to test the new tools, layout engine, and programming enhancements.

Internet Explorer 8 (IE8) has been designed to make everyday tasks easier, provide dynamic security protection and improve the development platform and manageability. End user improvements include a streamlined interface, tabbed browsing, printing advances, improved search functionality, instant feeds (RSS), dynamic security protection, and more.

This RC version of Internet Explorer is for web developers and designers. We invite you to use the resources listed below to learn about the improvements, changes and new features available in this release.

"This release contains some great advances in Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) and layout, programming model, performance, reliability, usability and service integration. We are eager to ensure that the transition to Internet Explorer 8 is seamless for you and your audience, and to give you a head start on using many of the new features with your sites and services. We encourage you to test your sites and services, and our platform implementation, and give us feedback!"

Developers and designers of all skill levels need great tools to deliver modern websites and write more efficient code without having to switch between the browser and a separate development environment. Internet Explorer 8 includes built-in tools that work well for professionals as well as those trying CSS and scripting for the first time.

- Debug JavaScript
- View and change the document object model (DOM)
- CSS 2.1
- Data URI
- AJAX enhancements including navigation
- Resources

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